I was really nervous when I went to the visa interview Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for my K1 visa. I felt a mix of excitement and worry because this was the last step before I could be with my loved one in the United States. He couldn’t make the visit, so I was unsure if that would affect my chances or not.

Once I got through security, I sat with a bunch of other people in the waiting area. There were couples holding folders with papers, parents looking anxious, and people like me with hopeful faces, all wanting something good to happen.

When my name was called, I gathered all my documents, like photos, financial records, and letters of support, and went to the interview booth. The person interviewing me seemed friendly and gave me a smile.

She asked for my passport and all the necessary papers, so I handed them over, trying to stay calm. She looked at each one carefully and asked me questions about my relationship with my fiancé, our plans for the future, and how we met.

I spoke confidently, telling her about our genuine love and commitment. I explained our journey, the challenges we faced, and our dreams of building a life together. She listened carefully, nodded sometimes, and typed notes on her computer.

Then came the moment of truth. She asked for more proof of our relationship. I gave her more pictures, chat logs, and travel plans. I wanted to make sure she knew that our love was real.

She seemed satisfied with the evidence and smiled. She told me that my visa was approved and congratulated me on taking this big step. I felt so relieved and happy, like a weight had been lifted off me.

She explained the next things I needed to do, like redo medical exams because it had expired, when to arrange travel, and what to bring. She gave me a pamphlet with useful information and told me that if I was facing any form of domestic abuse that I can speak up to her now or to authorities at anytime during my time in the US. We chatted a bit more, and I thanked her for her time.

Leaving the consulate, I felt grateful for the opportunity ahead. The interview was stressful, but the person who interviewed me was nice and made me feel more comfortable. I left with hope and determination, ready to start the next part of my life.

– Inez, Visa Interview: March 2022
