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K-1 without ring as proof of engagement

Hi all,

I want to submit form i-129F as soon as possible. I have all the needed proof of a legit relationship but the only thing i am concerned about is that i didnt given her the ring yet. next time i see her will be 3 months from now, but i dont want to wait that long. can i submit my application without any pics of the ring or me proposing to her?


3 Answers

  1. A ring is not a requirement. We did not have any pictures/receipts of that and I know many others who didn’t either.

    just to clarify, for the petition stage, they need to see solid proof that you two met in the past 2 years. Proof of relationship comes in at the consulate stage, there’s no harm in including that in the petition so it’s there for the consulate, but the only requirement for the petition is to have physically met within the past 2 years.

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